Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Disguised Grief

(Job 2:13)13 So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him: for they saw that [his] grief was very great.
Grief disguised

So because grief disguises itself; it eludes us and calls into question the reality of its existence. I remember seeing a man that lost his newly born child. He came to church smiling and proclaiming the goodness of God, but his wife was overcome with grief. She spoke not a single word. She dared not even lift her eyes past the ground. How she grieved I thought. As for her husband I was uncertain. He seemed less impacted by the sorrow of the time. I am sure there were those that looked on and thought “wow what great faith he possesses!” I was not one. I focused on the wife and her grief and allowed her pain to fuel my fear. “God, could I live through such loss? I dare not even imagine it.” For years she remained a contact point of grief and loss for me. I thought what a tragic life. Years later the husband would break down talking about his loss. I thought well now he must be in touch with his loss. I spoke from ignorance having never experienced such a loss myself.  

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