Monday, October 10, 2016


Where is hope when my feet are heavy and I feel paralyzed by despair?
Where is the light when I feel surrounded by an abyss of sorrow?
Where is fellowship when I feel alone in a crowd?
Where is melody when all I hear is the noise?
Where is the warmth of the sun when the rain will not stop pouring down?
How many times will my heart be disappointed?
I want to believe without fail
I want to live in the warmth of the Sun
I want a symphony to emanate from my own heart
I want to be satisfied with my own company
Tip the balance
Change the direction of the wind
Amend what is written in the stars
I dare not ask for what is fair because what do I know of such things
I have both taken and been taken
Rain down mercy and lead me out of this place.

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