Saturday, October 15, 2016


Death of those Lil ones so utterly destroyed by abuse of every sort
Those tormented by the wicked ones who inhabit the Earth
Given over to exercise evil with all their inaginations
but what of those who live?
Not to rob the memory of the precious lives of those that were taken but to look now on to those chosen to live on
Why live on and for what?
To be angry? Confused? Forever victimized?
Maybe to be a voice for all the voices that were taken away.
Can those Lil ones who lived rise from the ashes?
Can they indeed live forward?
Restore these and they will speak
Speak for the hurt, the abused, the lame, the departed
Use these for good
To be a light in a dark place, the day grows shorter and night is upon us. Awake us from sleep.

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