Friday, September 16, 2016

Rise up!

Who will be the light for a generation drowning in darkness
Who will tell them it's ok to love and be loved?
A generation of people shoved into a box marked, "what I think you are"
Can we see passed imperfections and the residue of a life torn apart by self destruction?
Their jaws locked, fists clinched, bellies empty, hearts broken staring at the face of someone that just has to be lying
Ears that can't hear, 
"What is truth? We know not."
Where is the preacher for this generation?
And where is his light?
Where are the dragon slayers?
They sit on ledges in dark places believing they are alone and can't be rescued from their demons
Rise in me 
Arise, slay, speak 


How unsatisfied we can become with things
Unsatisfied with time
Unsatisfied with people 
How fickle and selfish we can be 
How bored we become
Constantly chasing the next thing 
Running after more time 
Comparing the company we keep 
Wanting always wanting
And bored because we do all these things
Can we stop for a moment and appreciate what we have?
Enjoy the time we have been given
Embrace the people before us
Life is but a vapor whispers the preacher 
My heart cries for my ears 
Open and listen it intercedes 
Awake out of sleep.