Wednesday, August 31, 2016


When a city is destroyed, if there are inhabitants left in that city, they build. They have to. We were not created to live and abide in death and destruction but to pass through. Death is not the end. So we build. How will we build though? Will the materials be the same? Who will build with us and for what purpose? In the beginning just lifting up one piece at a time is all we can do. The task it's self being so daunting. Build, reflect, rest and sometimes breakdown. Breakdown because this has to be done at all. Breakdown because this building will never replace what was lost. It will, however protect what is still alive. So be careful how you build. We build a city with walls. Walls that keep things in and keep things out.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

At the Root

There is a root of bitterness that bores into the pit of the stomach
It provides the illusion of power and time
Power, because we believe we can control the destructiveness of its silent rage
Time, because we are deceived into believing we have plenty
This root harbors questions that may never be answered
It is home to regret and secret shame
The power of this root shields us from the full brunt of pain and heart ache, so we give place
An illusion of strength, but inside it bores away at all the qualities that bring forth life
Qualities such as hope, forgiveness, reconciliation, faith, and true healing
This wicked root silently secreting its poison into the core of our being, moment by moment, day by day
Until, we no longer recognize ourselves.
In this time of losing there is an illusion that we are in control
So we don’t fight when we should
We silence the voice we were given to combat this darkness
Speak, Speak, Speak
Speak Life
Forgive quickly, hope in tomorrow, believe in miracles, and never give up!

Friday, August 5, 2016


With so many things uncertain my thoughts wander
They walk in times past and speak of yesteryear's
Life was not without adversity then, but the pain seems like that of an old movie
I watch this movie with no sound and it cuts in and out
I can see myself crying in the shower and pleading to God
Now I sit about to clock into a time suspended in restlessness and doubting
A time of loneliness and fear
There will be times I tell myself that I can do this
Utter words of strength and encouragement
And there will be moments of hopelessness
Either way I will continue
I have to