Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Does Destiny Stand A Chance?

The wonderment of destiny and chance. How can one override the other? Who is the authority? Who has the final say? Destiny you make everything purposeful and sure, but with you is bitterness. Why is it your way or none at all? Destiny you offer security yes, but you are also a dictator. Is there no consideration for any other choice? And Chance, with you is possibilities but fear is your companion. Chance is a gambling man with no sense of obligation to any one person. You play with other people's lives and are separated from the outcome.  Is it all a game for you and we are your pawns? There are truly pros and cons with you both. Can I even know what is best for me? In a moment of choice I feel so confident and sure only for that confidence to be turned into regret and doubt. I am a frail being. My sight can be blurred and limited.  I am in deed in need of a savior. How my mind races from one choice to the other like it is playing musical chairs. When will the music stop? Where will I be when it does?