Friday, July 17, 2015

A Cry In The Wilderness

A child cries out in the darkness for her Father. Her eyes open but surrounded by the cold emptiness of a place where  no light lives. Tears creeping down her cheeks she searches for His familiar voice. Where is he? She wonders. Her searching turns to anger and resentment. Her questions change. She no longer just wants his presence. She wants to know Why. Why is He allowing this fear and uncertainty to consume her. Why does every person around her seem so unconcerned, or mystified by her state. They speak with no wisdom. They move with no strength. Why? She is tight lipped now and doesn't want to talk to her Father. Afterall, why hasn't he talked to her first. Surely He knows where she is and the state she is in. Where does His voice dwell? Where did she lose it? Just then, "the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the dessert a highway for our God." (Is. 40:3) So he wants her to make a way in the dessert?! Her frustration grows because she is already consumed with the lack of motivation to even speak life. Yet, she can not forsake all that she knows. The seed of His voice, His house, His love is embedded too deep. She kicks against the goads. She wrestles. She sees but is blind. She knows but is confused. In this wilderness her heart pants. The deep thirst stands at attention. Where is the fountain of His salvation? The Rivers of deliverance. "He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and a dry ground into watersprings."(Ps. 107:35) Life teaches what words could not. So that the soul that stands in darkness can see truly. No longer standing under clouds with no water. No longer drinking of the streams of bitterness. In this dark place a voice can be heard crying in the wilderness. Precious Child, listen.