Wednesday, June 10, 2015


A heart that would rather believe a lie than be freed by the truth. What is that? Why does man chase folly and pain? Trudging through life as a self fulfilling prophesy. Accepting what is not so to be what we are not. Treacherous heart. Why do you frolic in death? Why do you crave the grave? There are those you assign hate that love with a pain so wrenching. Yet you do not see. Neither do you want to see. You want to be tormented by the lies that come from your own hand. Watering these black seeds until you are bitter worm wood. You love death more than life. 

Love Me

My ears shut at the voice of strangers. Their words are empty and vain. There is is no comfort in them. They are dry river beds where no life is. But you my God have the words of life. Breathe into me and I will live. Give strength unto the feeble and make me not ashamed for trusting in your name. Your words turned my heart and brought me to this place. My heart searches for you in this dark and lonely world. Only you can save and deliver me from this death. Have mercy on me and blot out my transgressions. I desperately need your salvation. Deliver me. Have mercy on me. Love me. 


The mind can be tricky place. A look from someone can be taken down the path of your mind and end you in a place of rejection and anger. Sometimes we expect for someone to stop and say something or at least acknowledge our existence and when that doesn't happen we tread on the hot coals of resentment. All assumptions aside what if: what if they didn't see you...what if they were scared of being rejected...what if they believed you wanted space. ..what if there was no malice involved. What if God afforded you another opportunity. What if God granted them one as well. What if they looked and smiled. What if they stopped and hugged you. Yeah...all is forgiven...all is washed away because love can also cover a multitude of assumptions.